The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy

Senior Analyst, Cross Cutting Research Team January 2025 – Present

Policy Analyst, Cross Cutting Research Team February 2024 – December 2024

• Research-lead on projects at the intersection of tax policy and race, primarily focused on retirement policy, property taxes, racial wealth gap, and wealth taxes that have been published and used in our resources, media outlets, university publications, and public presentations. Some projects overlapped with age and gender.

• Review research briefs, summarize academic articles, and use both qualitative and quantitative tools to craft comprehensive research reports, produce educational policy reports, and conduct robust data analysis for the public, lawmakers, and the media to use as information for explaining the unfairness of the tax code and solutions for improving it.

Policy Analyst, State Policy Team August 2021 – February 2024

• Provides clarity on the effect that various tax policy proposals will have on government budgets and economies, income and wealth inequality, and racial equity through technical assistance and research support for state organizations focused on solving tax policy problems, such as Hawaii, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas.

• Stay current with news, state government announcements, and social media to assist with creating a periodical email to our state partners and other state advocates that highlight major state tax news and research.

The Pew Charitable Trusts

Senior Associate, Fiscal Federalism Initiative July 2018 – August 2021

• Leveraged strong written and interpersonal skills to create oral and written products on topics such as the intersection of federal and state tax policy, federal and state economic policies, and intergovernmental budget relations.

• Ensured the accuracy and consistency of data, by editing and fact checking, for all team products. This also included producing memo describing replicable steps that way team members could replicate my work and ensure its accuracy.

• Selected among the entire Pew staff to serve as a member of Pew’s inaugural Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (IDE) Council, which resulted in the production of recommendations to Pew leadership on ways to enhance IDE at the organization.

Associate, Fiscal Federalism Initiative October 2016 – July 2018

• Conducted robust quantitative analysis to produce graphs, maps, and web interactives that showed the relationship between state and federal fiscal policy on topics such as the federal share of state revenue or the state-specific cost of the national low-income home energy assistance program (LIHEAP).

• Produced complex policy analysis by writing background memos and literature reviews to further support the team’s efforts in new policy terrains, such as topics on LIHEAP, wildfires, and the student loan interest deduction, all of which became publications.

• Helped cultivate a robust and relevant research agenda by keeping current with the news, academic studies, reports, and legislative updates related to federal and state fiscal and economic policy.

Every Texan (then-named The Center for Public Policy Priorities)

State Policy Fellow August 2014 – September 2016

• One of 5 selected nationwide by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to participate in this postgraduate research fellowship.

• Authored policy reports, budget analyses, talking points, press releases, op-eds, and blog posts ranging from topics on how millennials can benefit and get involved with tax policy debates to explaining Texas tax policy and why certain tax proposals were bad for low- and middle-income families.

• Organized and analyzed quantitative data to produce budget fact sheets for all 254 Texas counties providing them with information on how the state funds their government and how tax cuts would alter that relationship.

• Presented and explained recommendations on Texas fiscal policy to the public and legislative committees, including how cuts to state funding for disability services would continue the track record of underfunding those vital services and why state sales tax holidays are bad for the economy.


Pew Special Recognition Award, 2021. 1 of 11 selected from the entire staff of nearly 1,100 people.

New Leaders Council Fellowship, 2016. 1 of 18 selected from Austin, TX.

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities State Policy Fellowship, 2014-16. 1 of 5 selected nationwide.

Dr. Robert and Shirley Jones Leadership Award, 2012. One student selected from the entire senior class. 

The University of Texas at Tyler Legacy Award, 2012. One student selected from the entire senior class. 

Inductee, Pi Sigma Alpha, National Political Science Honor Society, 2012.

Bill Archer Fellowship, 2011. 1 of 31 students selected from the entire University of Texas System.

President’s Honor Roll, 2011.  


Member, National Tax Association. 2024 – Present. 

Member, American History Association. 2024 – Present.

Member, American Studies Association. 2024 – Present.

Member, American Society for Legal History. 2024 – Present.

Trustee, Archer Center Trust, The University of Texas System. 2018 – Present. 

Young Leaders Council, Millennial Action Project, Washington, DC. 2017 – 2021. 

Member, American Association for Budget and Program Analysis. 2017 – 2021.

Member, Association for Budgeting and Financial Management. 2017 – 2021. 

Archer Fellow Alumni Association Leadership Board, The University of Texas System. 2014 – 2020.

Volunteer Tax Preparer, Community Tax Aid, Washington, DC. 2017 – 2019; Foundation Communities, Austin, TX. 2016.


M.P.P. in Public Budgeting and Finance, George Mason University. August 2012 – May 2014.

B.S. in History and Political Science, The University of Texas at Tyler. August 2009 – May 2012.

*All opinions on this website do not reflect the opinions of my employer and other affiliations.*